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Learning Tracks

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Many singers learn songs by listening to Learning Tracks. Each learning track provides a note and word correct rendition of the song for each individual part (bass, baritone, lead or tenor). The other 3 parts are usually sung quietly in the background. This is referred to as a part dominant track. An additional learning track is provided with all 4 parts at equal volume so that you can hear how your part fits into the song. Using learning tracks generally speeds up the process of learning a song and gives the singer an accurate version to sing-along with during the learning process.

Please note that although learning tracks are a great learning aid, singers must also purchase legal copies of music and make sure they have the rights to use that music.

This page contains links to websites where you can obtain Learning Tracks. All links have been verified and will be re-verified periodically.

If the person's name is underlined you can contact them directly by clicking on their name and sending them a message.

If you create Learning Tracks and have a website you would like included, please contact me via the Contact Us page.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Learning Tracks:Scott Anderson
Web Site:OnQ Tracks
Description:Sang tenor with The Kentuckians; Sang tenor with Vintage Airstream, the 2012 Cardinal District Novice Quartet champion; Also sung with Southern Gateway, Kentucky Vocal Union and The Saltaires.
Learning Tracks:Chris Arnold
Web Site:Quick Start Vocal Productions
Description:Rubicon (formerly The Fixx); Candidate Music Judge; Former Director of Megacity chorus; Former Director of Toronto Northern Lights; Coach; Arranger
Learning Tracks: Barbershop Tracks
Web Site:Barbershop Tracks
Description:The Learning Track Database - A searchable database of learning tracks that have already been recorded. If you want to see if a track has been recorded for a given song, you can search it here and it will show you who's recorded it and give you the link to their site.
Learning Tracks:Hannah Briggs
Description:Lead of Hannah and the Hurricanes (UK Mixed Champs 2014, 2015, 2017), Bass of the Bakewell Tarts and sings with mixed quartet The Sharrow Vale Blues. Studied music at the University of Sheffield. Director of Steel City Voices.
Learning Tracks:Anne Bureau
Web Site:Queen Anne Recordings
Description:Certified barbershop chorus director; Director of North Pennsmen (BHS 2008 and 2009 Atlantic Division Champions); Director of the Liberty Belles (Harmony Incorporated); Certified Music Judge in both HI and BHS; Baritone of the 1993 International Champion quartet, Spectrum.
Learning Tracks:Jon Conway
Web Site:Snappy Tracks
Description:Can create 3-day fast turnaround custom tracks using AI technology. Two times BABS quartet Gold medalist, former singing judge, Vocal Coach and arranger. Inducted into BABS Hall of Fame 2012
Learning Tracks:Jennifer Cooke
Web Site:Learning Tracks by Jen Cooke
Description:Certified Director; Lead with the TuneTown Show chorus in Nashville; Member of Song of Atlanta; Dream (2012 Region 23 champion quartet); Front line director for Scenic City Chorus in Chattanooga; Region 23's Young Women in Harmony coordinator; Coach
Learning Tracks:Aaron Dale
Web Site:Arrangements by Aaron Dale
Description:Music Educator; Certified Music Judge; Coach; Director of Kentucky Vocal Union
Learning Tracks:Jay Dorfman
Web Site:Tracks By Jay
Description:I am a music educator, music producer and a long-time active member of the Barbershop Harmony Society
Learning Tracks:Julie Gaulke
Web Site:Julie Gaulke Tracks
Description:Holds a degree in Composition/Theory; Former music editor for Plank Road Publishing; Sells music arrangements and learning track packages. Records female arrangements for both SSAA and barbershop format. Will record custom tracks.
Learning Tracks:
Web Site:Gold Silver Bronze Medal Music, Inc.
Description:Inducted into the Barbershop Harmony Society Hall of Fame in 2012; Director of the New Tradition Chorus (BHS); Grandma's Boys (1979 International Quartet Champion); Chicago Chord of Trade (2-time International Top 5 Quartet); Excalibur (International Top 10); Co-Director of the Spring Valley Chorus (SAI); Former Director of the Arlingtones (BHS), North Shore (BHS), Melodeers (SAI), the Village Vocal Chords (HI); Director of the North Carolina Harmony Brigade; ABE Award - ILL Dist. Hall of Fame 2010; Certified as Music Judge 1993; Faculty of Harmony University, Top Gun schools, Illinois Dist. Academy of Harmony (IDAH); Harmony Sweepstakes-Chicago Judge; Writer-Member of ASCAP
Learning Tracks:Daniel Gillis
Web Site:Vocal Harmonies
Description:Tenor soloist in various churches and cathedrals; Leading tenor roles in 5 G&S Operas, 2 Shakespeare plays, Hair the Musical and Grease; Sung in several a cappella groups, including the Acafellas (doo-wop), SAIJ (boy-band), Quintessence (jazz) and Strike Four! (winner of the Novice Quartet trophy in 2005), Common Interest (winner of the Ontario District Championship in 2007); Former member of the Capital City Chorus
Learning Tracks:Ryan Griffith
Web Site:VocalCuts.com Home
Description:Competed in many quartets and choruses; Tenor in New Release (Silver medalists in 2005 and 2006 in the International Collegiate contest; 2008 Mid-Atlantic District quartet champions); Member of the Chorus of the Chesapeake; Member of the Alexandra Harmonizers (2010 International bronze medalist chorus); Studied music education in college before switching to computer forensics; pianist
Learning Tracks:David Harrington
Web Site:StudioDH home
Description:Lead of 1989 BHS International Quartet Champions Second Edition; Harrington Brothers; Coach; Owner of StudioDH specializing in vocal arranging, coaching and producing; Co-founder and original director of The Louisville Times chorus
Learning Tracks:Holli Houtz
Web Site:Houtz Music
Description:Fourth generation barbershopper; Member of SAI; Degree in music education from Western Michigan University and public school teaching experience.
Learning Tracks:Kyle Kitzmiller
Web Site:Learning Tracks - Kyle Kitzmiller
Description:Sings bass in the 2007 5th place International Collegiate Barbershop Quartet, The Goods; Currently a full-time music major, sings opera, plays in a jazz band, arranges music and records tags.
Learning Tracks:Kim Kraut
Web Site:Kim Kraut: Downloadable Learning Media for Barbershop Singing
Description:Former member of the SAI Faculty specializing in Vocal Production; Current member of SAI Region 7's music faculty; Current Director of RiverSong; Former Director of Northland Chorus; Former Director of Sound of the Bay Chorus; International Coach; Degrees in Music Education and Secondary Biology Education; Sang opera professionally for 12 years
Learning Tracks:Gary Lewis
Web Site:GLP Gary Lewis Press
Description:Max Q; PLATINUM; The Real Deal; Director of Men Of Independence Chorus; Director of Singing Buckeyes Harmony Camp Men's Chorus; Arranger
Learning Tracks:Karen Maney
Web Site:Studio Upbeat
Description:Lead of 2002 Sweet Adelines Rising Star champion quartet, Voice Activated. Degree in Music Education. One of the Learning Track creators for the Women's Harmony Brigade event.
Learning Tracks:Donya Metzger
Web Site:Donna Metzger
Description:Director of Soundscape, a mixed chorus; Voice teacher with a style integrating movement, dance, natural voice technique, acting and various body movement re-education techniques; Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance; Former Regional quartet and chorus champion
Learning Tracks:Sean Milligan
Web Site:Learning-Tapes.com Home Page
Description:Rounders, 2007 International 8th place finalist; Former Director; Coach; Musical advisor
Learning Tracks:Emily Moriarty
Web Site:Emily's A Cappella Arranging
Description:An award winning singer and arranger specializing in a cappella and barbershop. A member of Sweet Adelines International (SAI) and Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA) and currently sings with Mixed Signals Quartet (Barbershop Harmony Australia Gold Medallists) and Three Docs & A Diva Quartet. A Certified Director (DCP) with SAI and is a graduate of the Southern Cross Regional Arrangers Program (SCRAP) and Music Leaders Program (MLP).
Learning Tracks:Peter Nugent (Nooj)
Web Site:Nooj Teach Tracks
Description:Three-time BABS quartet Gold medallist; Quartet coach; Faculty member of BABS Harmony College.
Learning Tracks:
Web Site:Jo Oosterhoff - Websites & Music Services
Description:Certified Director in SAI; Co-Director of A Cappella West Chorus; Former Assistant Director and Tenor Section Leader of Perth Harmony Chorus; Current Tenor of Hi-Jinx!; Guys & Dolls 1st place mixed quartet, AAMBS WR 2010; Coach
Learning Tracks: PlayScore 2
Web Site:PlayScore 2
Description:Learning a new piece? Create your own tracks, so each member can listen to their part on its own or standing out from the others. PlayScore 2 sight reads music straight from a paper score or PDF using the latest techniques in Optical Music Recognition. PlayScore 2 follows the music on screen as it plays, with full articulation and dynamics.
Learning Tracks:Randy Rogers
Web Site:Custom Designed Learning Tracks by Tunes for 4
Description:Member of the Frank Thorne Chapter; Former Director of Harmony Junction Chorus; Current tenor, Escalade
Learning Tracks:Simon Rylander
Web Site:Barbershop Learning Tracks: Sunshine Tracks
Description:Member of Zero8 barbershop chorus; Member of Q-tones quartet
Learning Tracks:
Description:Charter member of the Pride of Toledo chorus; Director of River Raisin chorus; SAI Region 17's Young Women in Harmony Coordinator; Formerly the tenor of In Voice Quartet, competing at International in Hawaii and Nashville; Offers women's barbershop tracks and YWIH barbershop tracks; Please contact directly for Learning Tracks.
Learning Tracks:
Description:Tenor of Just 4 Chix (Region 17 SAI); Please contact directly for Learning Tracks.
Learning Tracks:Mark Stevens
Web Site:Spots and Tracks - A Cappella Tracks and Arrangements
Description:Arranger for the last 15 years, also creates learning tracks. Sings baritone with an A Cappella Quintet, Curbstone. Also sings bass in UMIX, a mixed chorus in Woodstock, Ontario.
Learning Tracks:Katie Taylor
Web Site:Taylor Trax
Description:Professional music educator; 2-time gold medalist with Harmony, Inc. Quartet Champions U4X (2008) and For Heaven's Sake (1996); Co-Director of Northern Blend Chorus (2010 International Chorus Champions of HI)
Learning Tracks:Tim Waurick
Web Site:TimTracks Multimedia Productions
Description:Tenor of Vocal Spectrum (2006 International Champion Quartet); Tenor section leader of the Ambassadors of Harmony (2004 and 2009 International Chorus Champions); Bachelor of Arts in Music Education
Learning Tracks:
Web Site:Wolf Studios
Description:Lead for On Q (2009 Northeastern District Champion Quartet); Baritone for Quadraphonic (2007 Northeastern District Champion Quartet); Baritone for Thunder Cats (Feature group at the Magic the Gathering Pro-Tour San Diego); Assistant Director for the Silk City Chorus; Director for the Valley Shore SAI Chorus
Learning Tracks:Larry Wright
Web Site:Larry Wright Productions
Description:Arranger; Composer; Bachelor of Music Degree (choral major); Sundowners (2nd place international medalist); 139th Street (International quartet competitor); California Gentry (International quartet competitor); Former director of West Valley SAI chorus

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